Happy Ethiopian New Year 2011 and Islamic New Year 1440

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September 11th marks the beginning of a new Ethiopian year. It is 2011 instead of 2018. The Ethiopian calendar has 13 months with 1 month being shorter than the others. This goes with 13 sign astrology well.  Our calendars supposed to be 13 months. The Gregorian calendar that we use right now is about 7-8 years ahead. Artificial time rushes us. September 10th-11th is always the peak of hurricane season. There are several named storms in the tropics. Sending love to everyone in the path of hurricane Florence and those in Hawaii. The 2012 prophecies seem to be real to me. Only time will reveal. 9/11 is different this year because it is also Islamic new year. Moslems use a lunar calendar. Makes sense why the Islamic flag consists of a crescent and star. Islamic year 1440 is beginning. Maybe this year will be revealing to the original 144,000 souls. Moslems are more than 500 years behind. The Gregorian calender seemed to have added days. Perform some rituals for new year 2011 and 1440. Prepare for the shifts in consciousness over the next few months. Book me for a 13 sign astrology reading today.

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